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Got outta the funk I was in yesterday, damn I hate days like that. Still working on writing my tuts and planning some good content for you people. Also I have a couple other projects I'm working on so I'm not just being lazy! =)

Sorry everyone but it doesn't look like I am going to get any further updates done tonight. I'm feelin a little bummed and don't really feel like doing much. I promise though, by the end of the week. Ya ever wonder if the things you do because they are for the best are really worth the reality of your decision? Just a thought.

Wassup?!?!?! Had alot of downtime, finally got version 2.0 rolled. Still making lots of changes. Once I get the bugs worked out of my scroller I plan on replacing the text with rollover images.

Attack on America!

ABC News
Almost a week later and I still can't believe what has happened. I just hope people start to realize that we can't afford to have hate and prejudice for our fellow Americans. We've got these crazy-ass mofos in another country that want to kill every last American. They don't give a damn if you're black, white, asian, american indian, purple, crippled, married, single, whatever, we're ALL targets just because we live in the greatest country on the planet. So why in the hell would we continue to hate other Americans only because they are different? I'm sure it's still going to go on but hopefully some people will get the message.
WTF is wrong with people attacking those of Middle Eastern descent??? That just makes me freakin sick and those idiots are no better than the ones who attacked us. Please, let's not go after innocent people, save it for the ones who did this.
Of course let us remember those who we have lost and do what we can to move on and help those that were left behind. God Bless America.

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This scroller code is driving me ape-shit! The funny thing is, I don't think I am going to use it but here and maybe on my Links Page! LOL Once I gett the hang of it though at least it will be easier to do next time.
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